ACFEC is committed to environmental sustainability
ACFEC has a sustainability policy that seeks to identify and resolve utility and material resource waste, while improving the efficiency of new and existing infrastructure. We seek to promote sustainable behaviour by providing guidance for staff on how to reduce their personal impact on the environment.
ACFEC employs the following strategies to reduce its environmental impact:
Switching off lights in teaching spaces, meeting rooms and offices when vacating;
Switching off lights and computer monitors when vacating a room for more than 15 minutes;
Logging off PCs at the end of every day; and
Turning off appliances over weekends and breaks.
ACFEC encourages its staff to cycle, carpool and use public transport where possible.
Waste and Recycling
ACFEC is committed to reducing the quantity of waste going to landfill and maximising recycling. It reuses training materials where possible to reduce waste and recycling. ACFEC uses online learning platforms and resources where possible to reduce paper waste.
Most recently, ACFEC encourages employees and learners to use re-usable cups in the office and during onsite training.
Office Areas
ACFEC has a standard three bin system installed in staff office areas. This includes removal of under-desk bins and replacement with a multi-bin system (paper/cardboard, commingle and landfill); comprising of one set per 8-10 desks.
The convenient, centralised locations promote recycling, moving away from landfill-only under-desk bins. Much of what we throw away can be re-used or recycled, and centralised stations support these behaviours.
Waste Streams
ACFEC’s office waste system has three primary waste streams - paper and cardboard, mixed recycling and general waste.